13 Sunnehs

Still drawing cats, and surprisingly, only a day behind, which I’m hoping to make up for tomorrow, if things go according to plan (which they rarely do). Now that I’m up to drawing lots and lots of cats per page, I’m trying to vary it up, because a grid of cats doesn’t look too interesting, as I found out yesterday.

day 13

So today I did more Sunneh studies. I fed him treats and took lots of photos, so I got different angles and poses (as opposed to standard high quality “beauty shots” one finds on pinterest and stuff). Then I tried to cartoonify him a bit, so that he’s still recognizeable… which didn’t go too well. Think I’m going to try again tomorrow. That and take a bazillion more photos of the rest of my cat herd.

In other news, since my husband upgraded his computer, I got his old one, which is still a huge improvement from my old dying desktop. And he fixed my desks, so I now have lots of leg room! Working with the sweetest of setups, with my MSP chilling on one desk, my new comp with double screens on the other, and enough room under either table to build a little house for Eli, with cats and toys.

The Sunneh Post

I’m still away, hopefully having a blast and sketching a lot. In the meantime, here’s the second cat post, this time it’s all about Sunneh.


Now to straighten some things out, we have a lot of stray cats in our area. And I mean A LOT. City hall “imports” cats into neighbourhoods so that they keep the rats away. People feed them, some even go as far as luring them into their gardens and feeding them closer to home, for a better rat-shooing effect. So since neither one of my cats had a collar, a chip, or looked like anyone had been taking care of them, I am not, contrary to my UK friends’ belief, a cat-napper.

I saw Sunneh on the same stairs where I found Dish, a few months after she adopted us. His eyes were still closed and he was covered in so much dry blood he looked dark brown, instead of light ginger. There was no mother cat about, and this area was where two somewhat unpleasant dogs were let out to roam about in the evening. This was a no-brainer, really.

I named him Sunneh after a Swedish guildmate’s nickname. He too, of course, played a druid (at that point).

Dish was not happy. She hissed at him, she hissed at me and she stopped hanging out with me the way she used to before I betrayed her so with a new kitten. For the first two days, I kept them separated while I brushed all the fleas out of him. Dish stalked us out through the glass door. I think it was roughly after a week that the vet said he’ll be alright, and I finally let Dish get to know him a little closer. She was terrified of him right until he started eating the same food as her, at that point she adopted the role of older sister and started teaching him everything she knew herself, which didn’t take long. The most important skill he learned from her is how to drink from the waterbowl, by splashing the water all over the floor. That and chewing through the tough bag to get to the food.

They work really well together: when one of them gets stuck in a closet, cupboard or gets locked in a room somewhere, the other runs and brings me or my husband to the rescue. They clean each other’s faces in those hard to reach places. They keep entertained by playing together, and they cuddle each other in the winter while we’re not available.

I really want to write a lot more about this extraordinary ginger menace, but the past me has very little time left before the airport cab arrives, and there are still some dishes to wash and socks to find.

Here’s a relatively short video of Sunneh’s childhood days, and some of his interaction with Dish as they both grow bigger:


Animation Talk: Rubber Onion Battles and Boonka

rejected monsters screengrab 2

So Stephen Brooks launched his new site a little while ago, http://rubberonion.com/ and there’s stuff happening! Especially on the forums!

You can see all the entries and vote here: http://rubberonion.com/topic/vote-2016-october-rejected-monsters/ . I think it’s my favourite battle so far, where everyone really stepped up their game… But then I suspect I think that about every battle I participate in.

November’s Battle Theme has been announced, and it’s Unmade Holiday Specials, I believe. I was a little confused about what that actually means, but Stephen and Rob explained it pretty well, and now I have the weirdest idea bobbing about in my head. I made some initial ideas sketches, picture proof below: Continue reading “Animation Talk: Rubber Onion Battles and Boonka”