Rubber Onion Battle 2017 #1: New Year’s Resolution

(This might also be my longest blog post title this year :D)

Link to YouTube Continue reading “Rubber Onion Battle 2017 #1: New Year’s Resolution”

Chubby Bits


Aaaand I didn’t wait long enough for the ink to dry, again. So much for using my time efficiently..
My crochet project is almost completed, fingers crossed I’ll actually finish it tomorrow and can post then! I ran into an unexpected design error today, which ate up a lot of time, but more on that in my next post (hopefully).

I have so many things planned for tomorrow that I’ll probably not do any of them.
I wanted to finish painting the nursery, but there’s work for at least 8 hours at my pace, and my arms will likely fall off before then. I should also start working on this month’s Rubber Onion Battle, which is themed “New Year’s Resolution”. I already have an idea, but I’ve not done any sketches yet. And I’m almost halfway through the month, and I’ve not even started working on half of my art related goals!

How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Are you in the habit of setting certain goals for the day/week/month/year?

Stephen and Rob actually covered the subject in their previous podcast:
(Here’s the link in case the enbedding gets messed up:

Bad Gift WIP: concept

Here’s a link to all the November Battles on the Rubber Onion site where you can also vote for your favourite:

Bad gift: concept sketches

Last month I got a message from another guy from the WoW guild I was in (before I cancelled my sub) saying he’d like to give voice acting a go as well. We had a short chat, and he sounded cool enough. He has one of those hard-for-me-to-pin-point English accents, so even if he uses his normal talking voice, that’d be a pleasant addition to what I’m able to squeeze out of myself. I told him I’d let him know once I know what the subject for December is, so as soon as the “Bad Gift” theme was announced we scheduled another Discord meet and went through the ideas we had for it. I thought it’d be a new and educational experience for me to try and work with another person.  Continue reading “Bad Gift WIP: concept”

Unmade Holiday Special

While I realize that the best way for me to publish this exercise is to actually miss the “Last day of the month, midnight my time” deadline, and post it unfinished, I was a little too eager to try out Toon Boom Harmony. I was also too hyped up from the last Live Show and couldn’t stop generating really bad ideas, so I just had to get it over with, fast.

Usual link for buggy phone viewing:

Continue reading “Unmade Holiday Special”

Animation Talk: Rubber Onion Battles and Boonka

rejected monsters screengrab 2

So Stephen Brooks launched his new site a little while ago, and there’s stuff happening! Especially on the forums!

You can see all the entries and vote here: . I think it’s my favourite battle so far, where everyone really stepped up their game… But then I suspect I think that about every battle I participate in.

November’s Battle Theme has been announced, and it’s Unmade Holiday Specials, I believe. I was a little confused about what that actually means, but Stephen and Rob explained it pretty well, and now I have the weirdest idea bobbing about in my head. I made some initial ideas sketches, picture proof below: Continue reading “Animation Talk: Rubber Onion Battles and Boonka”

Rejection and Meatballs

My Rubber-Onion-Battle-Entry-for-October-Themed-Rejected-Monsters is finally completed!!!1

Continue reading “Rejection and Meatballs”

A warrior, a princess, and giant drawing supplies. Thanking onions of rubber!

I’ve been wanting to post this for at least two days now, but I only got to drawing it today! July’s Battle Talk episode of the Rubber Onion Podcast is out, and Rob and Stephen found new and inventive ways of trying to pronounce my name 😀
If anything, I look forward to participating in future battles just for the sake of them attempting to say my name (cool and insightful discussions of the work behind making the animations aside, of course). Earlier this month I decided to not participate in this month’s battle, hoping to use the time wisely and get overdue work done, and I shall stick to that decision, no matter how itchy I get to draw some last-minute animation mini-short. Anyways, I think it was Rob that started it, but they kind of came up with these two characters, and I got the urge to draw them, so here they are!
Warrior Animator and Animator Princess
As you can see, Eli decided to help me add colour to this one as well, and insisted on sitting on my lap and drawing away as I was finishing the Princess. She tries to copy pretty much everything she sees me do, whether it’s talking on the phone, drawing, sitting in my spot on the sofa, eating from my plate or petting the cats. And she looks so cute doing it! I have to be a lot more careful with storing my drawing supplies these days, but it’s a reasonable price to pay, considering my baby is learning to draw 😀
